PSFS Family Directory - Family List: How to delete a family from the family list

How to delete a family or member from the family list

Sacrament records, as well as pledge and contribution records, are not affected by a deletion. However, the following family-related records are inactive (unavailable) after a deletion:

  • Minister records
  • Student records
  • Member records
  • Milestone records
If a member or family you want to delete has a pledge with a remaining balance, you cannot delete their record.
  1. Go into Family Directory → Family List

  1. Select the checkbox for each family record that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete Selected Families.

  1. When prompted to confirm the delete, click OK.

    Due to the amount of information that is associated with a record, the application may require extra time to delete multiple family and member records at the same time.




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