PSFS Administration - Manage Staff: How to add, change, or delete a staff member's personal photo

How to add, change, or delete a staff member's personal photo


You can add a personal photo to a staff member's record. This topic shows you how to add a photo, change an existing photo, or delete a photo from a record. A photo must conform to the following specifications:

Acceptable formats are .jpg, .gif, .png, or .bmp only

Maximum allowed size is no larger than 0.5 megabytes

The image will be displayed at a resolution of 130x110 pixels on the Member Details tab.

  1. On the Staff List page, click  next to the individual's name. The individual's Member Details record in Family Directory opens. For example:

    The record is in read-only mode.
  2. Click Edit Details to put the record in edit mode.
  3. Do one of the following:

    To add a new photo or change the current one:
      1. Select the Add link under the photo placeholder or the Change link under member's current photo to display the Upload Member Photo window:
      2. Click Browse and then navigate to the image file on your laptop or PC. Select the file to upload it.
      3. After the file uploads, click Save & Close to save the photo.
      4. Click Save to continue editing the form or Save & Close to exit.


    To delete the current photo:
      1. Select the Delete link.
      2. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click OK. The software removes the photo.
      3. Click Save to continue editing or Save & Close to exit the form.




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