How to create a report of newly registered parishioners for a specific time period
To find new parishioners for a given time period, you can use the filters in the Family List. Click the Filter icon (funnel ).
If you want a list of all parishioners entered in a specific time period, you may use the inclusive filters (Both and All Groups) as as shown below-left. If you would like to narrow the list down to only Active Registered members, select Registered in the Membership field and Active in Family Group as shown below-right.
NOTE: If you delete a family from your family list, they will not be counted in any historical statistics and will not display in this search.
To select records added within a date range, click the Advanced Options and check the box for Registration Date. Enter your date range and click Apply.
The list that comes up will be records entered for the date range entered and who meet the filter constraints. If you choose to export this list, the excel file will have the following columns:
Family, Mailing Name, Envelope#, E-Mail address, Phone, Address, Registered (yes/no), Organization, Diocesan ID, Family ID, Family DUID, Family Group ID.
You can also find this data in the IQ module if you choose. There are short tutorial videos on our Video Help page that will show you how to use IQ reports.
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