How to customize the layout of the grid columns in Family List and Member List pages
Please see below the list of steps needed for managing Family List and Member List pages
Selecting Columns to Include in the List
Filtering the Display of Records
Sorting the Display of Records
Changing the Number of Records Displayed Per Page
Permanently Saving Layout Changes
Resetting the Layout to the Default Configuration
Selecting Columns to Include in the List
You can select the specific columns that you want to include in both the Family List and Member List.
- If necessary, select an organization from the Organization list.
- Display the Family List or Member List page.
- Click
to display the Select Grid Columns window, as shown in the example below:
Deselect the columns that you want to exclude from the list.
Select the link Save & Close to save your selections. The page refreshes. The list now includes only the columns you selected.
Changing Column Widths
You can easily change the width of a column in the Family List or Member List to make it wider or narrower.
Position your mouse pointer on the line between the column that you want to widen or narrow and the column next to it. A double-arrow cursor is displayed at the boundary line between the two columns. For example:
Click the left mouse button and drag the boundary line right or left to respectively widen or narrow the column to the left of the cursor.
Release the mouse button after the column is the width that you want it to be.
Rearranging Columns
You can rearrange the columns in the layout to suit your particular preference for viewing information. After rearranging the columns, you can permanently save your new layout so that the next time you display the page, your new layout is displayed.
Click and hold the left mouse button while dragging the desired column to a new location.
In the above illustration, the user wants to relocate the Family column between the Family ID column and the Envelope# column. The double-arrow cursor marks the exact location where the column can be placed.
When the column is in the desired location, release the left mouse button.
The content reloads and the column appears in its new location, as shown in this illustration:
If you want to export the results as they are configured on your screen, click on the Export to CSV icon to the left of "Add new family."
If desired, you can permanently save your column changes so that they are in effect the next time you display the page or you can reset the layout to the default configuration.
Filtering the Display of Records
As a list grows in size, you will find it very useful to filter your records to see a specific subset. The alphanumeric filters, located at the top of the directory, provide a way to help you manage list views and drill down to the exact records you want to see. For example, you can set up the filters to view only those families whose name begins with "W".
Sorting the Display of Records
You can sort the display of records by clicking any one of the column headings. For example, to sort the entire list by family last name, click the Family column heading.
A sort icon appears (see the previous illustration) to the right of the column name to indicate the column you are sorting on and the direction of the sort:
sorts in ascending order such that successively higher values (numeric or alphabetic) are displayed as you proceed down the page. For alphabetic sorts, ascending order is from A to Z. For numeric sorts, ascending order is from 0 to 9.
sorts in descending order such that successively lower values (numeric or alphabetic) are displayed as you proceed down the list. For alphabetic sorts, descending order is from Z to A. For numeric sorts, descending order is from 9 to 0.
If you'd like multiple levels of sorting, for example, organized by zip code AND alphabetically, you can hold down SHIFT on your keyboard and then click another column title. You can use SHIFT-Click to add multiple levels of sorting (up to 3 levels).
Changing the Number of Records Displayed Per Page
By default, ten records are displayed per page. To change the number of records that you can view on each page, select the desired option from the Records box:
Permanently Saving Layout Changes
If desired, you can permanently save your new layout (sort settings and column changes) on the Family List and Member List pages so that they are in effect the next time you display them. To do this, click .
Resetting the Layout to the Default Configuration
To reset the layout to the original view (default settings), click .