PSFS Administration - Lookups: How to edit an item in a lookup table

How to edit items in a lookup table


To add or remove an item to a lookup table or sort the table, go through the following steps:

  1. Go to Administration → Lookups.

    Note: This module is only visible to staff members with "Parish Administrator" rights. If you can't see the tab, you should talk to another staff person with administrative rights.
  2. On the left side of the window, choose the table you want to edit. In this example, the Celebrants table has been selected.
  3. If you do not see the item you want to edit, enter the description of the item you want to edit as shown in the image below. 

  4. To edit an entry, click on the pencil icon  next to it.
  5. To remove an entry, click on the icon of the box with shapes inside it .

    • Select another entry to merge with.
    • The original entry will be removed from the list.
    • Any examples of the first entry in the database will be replaced with the second.
    • If an entry was entered by mistake and never used, this will be equivalent to deleting it. 
    • Note: only lookups which are owned by the organization may be merged out.
  6. Click Save


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