PSFS Administration - Manage Staff: How to add a new staff record to your organization

How to add a new staff member to your organization

Use this procedure to add a new staff member to your organization. If an individual is already on staff and you need to give that person another assignment, go to How to Add a New Staff Assignment Record.

Note: You must have permissions assigned to the organization you want to add the staff member to.

  1. In the Organization list, select the desired organization.
  2. In Administration, Click Manage Staff to display the Staff List page.
  3. In the toolbar, click .

    The Find Member window opens. The software requires you to search the database to locate the member you want to add to your staff.

    A red asterisk (*) indicates required information.
  1. In one or more of the Find Member fields, type your search criteria. Then, click Search.

    The Member Search window opens to show a list of members in your database that match the criteria you provided.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • If you see the name of the individual you want to add, it means that the software located a member record for the individual in the database. Do the following:
    1. Select the member by marking the radio bullet to the left of the name.
    2. Click Accept.
  • A message will display either to inform you that the member was added to your organization's staff or that the member was already added.
    1. Click OK to dismiss the message.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • If the software added the member to your staff, the new Staff Record is displayed. You may add the required information for this staff. You are done.
      • If the software reported that the member is already on your staff, it returns you to the Member Search window. Click Cancel to exit to go back to the Staff List grid. You are done.


  • If you do not see the name of the individual you want to add, the software has no member record for the individual so you need to create one. To do this:
    1. Click Add New Staff to open the Add Staff window.
    2. Complete the fields to create a new member record.
    3. Click Save & Finish.

The software returns you to the Staff List page. The newly added staff member's name appears in the grid.

Now you must add the new staff member's access rights. To do so, see How to add access rights and permissions to a staff assignment.

After ensuring the staff record has been added and the permissions have been granted, click the password reset button so the staff will get an email to help them complete setting up their credentials. Or, you may have them go to the site and click the forgot password link.


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