According to recent M+R Benchmarks for 2023 for nonprofits, only 19% of people who visit a donation page actually donate. This means over 80% of users who visit the donation page encounter distractions or abandon their giving endeavor.
Using recent research on Donor Behavior in collaboration with our friends at NextAfter, we created the new Express Giving Form. In this article, we'll provide you with what you need to start maximizing donations through digital giving. (See the bottom of this article for detailed findings from our research with NextAfter).
What's so great about the Express Giving Form?
First, let's talk about why it's great for your staff. This form is created to be intentionally simple. It requires minimal customization by design. You'll add your logo and change your branding colors for recognition, and that's it! It's modern and streamlined AND already optimized for mobile (psst... that's where most of your donors are giving).
Although increasing your staff's efficiency is a win, we know that the donor experience is what matters most.
Here's why this form provides the most enhanced experience for your donors:
Fewer steps to complete a gift. This form only requires two steps: 1. Enter your gift amount, and 2. Complete payment information. That's it! No extra fields, notes, or buttons. This simple improvement has the potential to increase giving by 97%!
Improved Flow and Visual Design. Our new user interface provides a logical flow for donation creation, and the clean look allows donors to see what's next easily. No zooming in necessary!
Encourages Automatic Faithfulness. Historically, our number one feature request from our churches and parishes regarding Recurring Giving was "Allow me to make Recurring Giving the default option." We're happy to announce that we've delivered on your request! Ministries with a healthy generosity culture understand the importance of providing this opportunity to their donors FIRST. One-time gifts are always welcome, but recurring gifts should be the heart of faithful stewards. See this article to adjust your default setting.
There is a chance your giving form is already set to Express Giving Mode. We recommend you add your logo and change your branding if you haven't already so that your donors recognize your ministry. You can even add a background image if you'd like.
If you are still using our Standard Giving Form, you can switch by using the toggle at the top left-hand corner of your Form Builder.
*Prefer to stick to the Standard Giving Form? Before clicking Save Changes, you can simply toggle back.
Have some questions before you make the switch?
Check out these FAQs regarding Giving Forms:
Q: Does the Express Giving Form allow donors to give multiple gifts, or is this just meant for only one-time gifts?
A: Donors can make multiple gifts with different recurring start dates.
Q: Is it true that switching to the Express Form will override our current customized form?
A: Yes. That is true. If you do NOT save changes after you have switched, you can toggle back to the Standard Form, and customizations should be preserved. If you have clicked “Save Changes” after switching to the Express Giving form and then toggle back to the old form, your prior customizations will be lost.
Q: Can the form still default to One-Time gifts if we prefer?
A: Yes. You can adjust for default preferences in the Payments Tab of the Form Properties.
Q: Can we use the Express Giving Form in our Mobile App?
A: Yes! The experience for your donors will remain the same even if they access the new giving form from their mobile app.
Q: How will the Express Giving Form appear on our website if it has been embedded?
A: When embedded on other platforms, the dimensions of the form container itself do not change. Please note that if you have either our ShareFaith or Clover website platform, an embedded giving form container may require some adjustments on the web platform.
Suggested Donor Communication
While these changes from the Standard Giving Form to the Express Giving Form are subtle, we recommend communicating this new look to your donors. In general, you should take advantage of every opportunity to invite your members or parishioners to partner financially with your ministry. Letting them know your online giving experience has gotten even easier is a great way to engage.
Here are some ideas for fostering generosity while announcing these enhancements:
Email Announcement Sample (can also be used for a Bulletin Announcement):
In this season of gratitude, we want to thank those who faithfully invest in the ministry of (INSERT MINISTRY NAME). You are making a Kingdom impact. We deeply appreciate you. For our online, text and mobile donors, you will see a fresh new look to our form the next time you give. Don’t worry, It is still us; nothing has changed with your history or saved payment methods; we just freshened up the look and feel of our site to provide you with the best giving experience.
(Optional: Include an image of the new look)
Giving Invitation Slide:
Announcing our New Giving Form!
Our digital giving is getting a refresh this week. The new look provides a seamless giving experience. Don’t worry, it is still us! Nothing has changed with your history or saved payment methods.
We're always looking for ways to help empower your ministry!
Click here to download a fantastic resource we created in collaboration with NextAfter called "7 Steps to Improve Online Donations".