These release notes inform you about the latest features and changes in ParishSOFT Family Suite v5.0.40 release (January 16)
Contribution Detail Endpoint
Added a new Contribution Detail endpoint to the v2 Family Suite customer API.
Users can now pull detailed contribution data for their organization.
Implemented optional filters for Date Range, Fund ID, Family ID, Member ID, Amount, Giving Source, and OrganizationId.
The endpoint returns comprehensive contribution data, including Contribution ID, Date, Amount, Family ID, Member ID, Fund details, and more.
Updated Swagger documentation to include the new endpoint.
Ability to Unlink MinistryID from Family Suite Login
Added a GUI option for Diocese/Organization administrators and internal MB staff to detach MinistryID logins from PS logins within the PSFS admin tab.
This feature is only available for organizations not migrated to the new platform.
The option is only visible for user records with a MinistryID value.
Add Pledges Endpoint
Implemented a new Pledges endpoint in the v2 Family Suite customer API.
Allows API users to retrieve pledge data and associated contribution history for their organization.
Includes optional filtering by various fields such as Date Range, Fund ID, Family DUID, and more.
Returns comprehensive pledge data including Pledge ID, Amount details, Dates, and associated information.
Member Aux ID Field Addition
Added the Member Aux ID field to the columns in the Member List grid and the grid search options.
Users can now search for third-party IDs in this field.
Family Suite API Givers Endpoint Expansion
The v2 Givers endpoint (api/v2/offering/{organizationId}/givers) has been enhanced to return all families that have donated to an organization, regardless of their registration status.
Sacrament Group Entry Page UI Improvements
Updated field labels and checkbox alignment on the Group Sacraments Entry page to follow MB design standards.
Implemented dynamic field labels that display inside empty fields and move above when clicked or populated.
Unable to Download E Giving Statement in My Own Church
Fixed an issue that prevented My Own Church users from downloading their electronic contribution statement
Class Deletion Error Message
Resolved an issue where an error message appeared at the bottom of the screen when deleting a class in Religious Education.
Classes can now be deleted successfully without any error messages, regardless of attendance records.
Class and Session Page Refresh
Addressed a problem where the Class and Session page did not refresh properly.
The Sessions tab now updates correctly when modifying a term or deleting a session, without requiring a manual page refresh.
Manual Schedule Name Display
Fixed incorrect name values display in the Ministers Available for the Selected Event grid.
Corrected the manual schedule conflict prompts to show the correct name format.
Member Details Ministries Tab Navigation
Fixed an issue were clicking the Details icon in Member Details - Ministries tab incorrectly redirected users.
Merge Error Due to Duplicate Fund Permissions
The Family Suite Administration Merge process has been updated to resolve an issue where merging families with conflicting fund permissions caused failures. The system now successfully removes fund permissions for the duplicate member record during the merge process, ensuring a smooth operation without errors.
Invalid Date Entry Prevention in Contributions
We've implemented date validation in the multi-contribution edit functionality to prevent users from posting contributions with invalid dates. This aligns with the main contribution entry process, restricting dates to within 2 years in the future and 10 years in the past, while also preventing 3-digit year entries.
Religious Education Term Deletion Logic Update
The term deletion process in Religious Education has been refined. Users can now delete terms with no associated classes or enrolled students/volunteers. Terms with only soft-deleted records cannot be deleted but can be marked inactive. The system retains the existing "term in use" message for terms with active classes or enrolled participants.
Family/Member Import Contact Info Functionality Restored
The Family Directory import processes for both family and member contact information have been fixed. These imports now function correctly in both the new platform and the existing platform, properly validating and importing records as expected.
Merge Error Due to ClassStudents Unique Index Constraint Error
Resolved issue causing some Family/Member merges to fail due to duplicate key errors in the 'RE.ClassStudents' table.
Addressed the "Cannot insert duplicate key row" error affecting the unique index 'IXClassStudentsUniqueMember'.
Merge Error Due to SessionMeetings Foreign Key Constraint Error
Fixed Family/Member merge failures related to the "FKRESessionMeetings_CreatedBy" foreign key constraint in the 'RE.SessionMeetings' table.
Merge Error Due to RegistrationResponse Foreign Key Constraint Error
Resolved Family/Member merge failures caused by the "FKRERegistrationResponse_CreatedBy" foreign key constraint in the 'RE.RegistrationResponses' table.
Invoice Creation Error for Long Session Names
Fixed the "String or binary data would be truncated" error when creating invoices for students linked to sessions with names exceeding 50 characters.
Tuition module now accommodates the full length of session names allowed in RE.
Required Fields in Bulk Edit Contributions
Fixed bug allowing users to save changes in the bulk edit contribution screen without filling in required fields.
Implemented validation to ensure all required fields have valid entries before saving changes.