What's New in Version 5.0.41

These release notes inform you about the latest features and changes in ParishSOFT Family Suite v5.0.41 release (January 29).


Family Directory

Address Validation Improvements

Made several improvements to the address validation process when adding new families:

Extended the Postal Code +4 field to display all four digits and corrected the address validation to recognize this value

Corrected state name validation to recognize full state names and two-letter codes as equivalent


Add New Family Display Improvements

We've improved the display of the Family Directory's "Add New Family" modal:

Action buttons at the bottom of the modal now correctly display on smaller monitors and at large resolutions.

This improvement applies to both edit and view modes.

A vertical scrollbar has been added to the modal when multiple results push content below the visible area.

These changes ensure that users with smaller monitors or those using large resolutions can easily access all necessary functions when adding new families.


Field Label Alignment on Organization Directory Page

Updated the field labels on the Organization Directory page to follow MB design standards. Labels now display inside empty fields and move above when clicked or populated.



Dupechecker Family Record Merging

Resolved a bug in the [tblBillingDefnFamilyMerge] stored procedure that was causing failures when trying to merge family records. The procedure now handles NULL values correctly when updating the tblbillingdefn table.


Batch Details Amount Field Display

Resolved a display issue where ending zeros in Contribution and Pledge Amount fields were not showing after saving a batch. These trailing zeros now appear correctly.


Batches List Filter Reset

Corrected the functionality of the Reset button on the Batches page filter. Filter values now properly reset to their defaults and the search results reflect the updated criteria.


Tuition Module Bug Fix

We've resolved an error that occurred when including students on invoices with long Term names in the Tuition module:

The system now accommodates Term names of 16 characters or more when the "Include students on invoice" option is selected.

Users can successfully save and finalize invoices without encountering the "String or binary data would be truncated" error.

The fix ensures compatibility with the full character limit allowed for Term names in Religious Education.

This resolution allows for seamless invoice creation and management, regardless of Term name length.


Givers Endpoint in Family Suite API

Field mapping and data issues with the Givers endpoint in the Family Suite API have been corrected.


Special Needs Text Update

Fixed an issue where the hovertext for special needs flags on the Students page wasn't updating immediately after changes. The page now refreshes automatically to display the updated special needs text.


Volunteer Removal When Classes Deleted

Fixed an issue where volunteer records were not removed when classes were deleted. We have also removed all volunteer records which were impacted by this issue.


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