What's New in Version 2.00

This release note informs you of new features, enhancements, and changes made in the v2.00 release of ParishSOFT Accounting (January 29).



Vendor Data Modification Tracking

The DateModified field on vendor records is now automatically updated to the current date and time when changes are made using the vendor editor page. This enhancement ensures accurate tracking of the most recent modifications to vendor data.


Additional State Tax Rate Updates

Updated with additional state tax rates that have been released since the previous update.


Enhanced Logging for DatabaseOrganization Changes

A new logging system has been implemented for the PS Accounting License Tool's DatabaseOrganization page.

The system captures the email address of the user making the changes, as stored in the PS Admin Tool.

Each modification is timestamped with the current date and time.

Multiple changes saved simultaneously are individually logged for comprehensive tracking.



Username Preservation During MFA Onboarding

Resolved an issue where usernames were incorrectly changed to email addresses during Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) onboarding for users with multiple accounts.

The fix ensures that when MFA is enabled and non-MID user accounts are joined together, the usernames of all associated accounts remain unchanged.


Payroll Taxes Not Calculated for "Married - Separately/Spouse Employed"

Resolved an issue with 2025 payroll processing that prevented taxes from being calculated for employees with a Marital Status value of "Married - Separately/Spouse Employed"


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