PSFSr Family Directory - Family/Member List: How to filter your family list using the fuzzy search and/or Rolodex features

How to filter your family or member list using the fuzzy search and/or Rolodex features

To jump directly to the step-by-step written instructions, click here. Note: the search options work similarly on the Member List page, only with different filter options.

Note: The top two images of this flow map depict a fuzzy search based on searching the Family column. You may search other columns too, and that detailed information is in the written instructions and highlighted in the third image.





How to filter your family list using the fuzzy search and/or Rolodex features

To learn how to use the filter button to conduct searches on additional attributes such as Family Group, Membership Status, and Family Work Groups (among others), click here

  1. Select Family Directory from the Navigator Bar. This will open the Family List page.
    Use the Fuzzy Search and the Rolodex Search independently or in combination with each other.
    • The Fuzzy Search works on all columns (fields) that have been selected by the Fuzzy Search Selector. The default filter is Family.
    • To select additional fuzzy search filters, click the Vcaret to the left of the fuzzy search field as shown in the last image above.
      • Your fuzzy search will find records that have the search term in any of the selected fuzzy search filter fields (columns).
  2. To use the Fuzzy Search, enter the search term into the field and click the search button or enter.
    • The term may be all of or only part of a word.
    • Currently, you must enter the full envelope number to get any results when using the 'fuzzy search' on this field. It does not work as a fuzzy search for envelope number but as an exact search. 
  3. To use the Rolodex Search, click the field (column) on which you would like to conduct your Rolodex search. This sorts the column and activates it for this use. If you see a sort button to the right of the column header (highlighted in the image below), this means that this column is already activated for use with the Rolodex feature. In this image, the active Rolodex column is E-Mail Address.
    • If you have entered a fuzzy search term such as 'Smith' the results will contain all records where the selected search filters contain 'smith' even as part of the entry. To narrow it down to only those records that begin with smith, click the Family column header then use the Rolodex feature by clicking the 'S'.
    • If you have used a fuzzy search on the term that contains numbers such as Phone and would like to narrow the results down more, click the phone column header then use the number Rolodex to find those phone numbers that begin with a particular number.
  4. To clear one or both of the search filters, click the 'Clear' button for that filter.
  5. For additional filter help see, How to find a family record using the funnel search button and advanced filter features.



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