PSFS Offering | Contributions - Integration: How PSG integrated batches are posted and how to find them after they integrate

How PSG integrated batches are posted and how to find them after they integrate

When integration is turned on and set up properly between ParishSOFT Giving and ParishSOFT Family Suite, contributions will be updated as follows:

Fully synced PSG batches will automatically post to ParishSOFT Family Suite. The postings will be sent directly to the contributions page and will appear on reports immediately.

  • PSFS Batch - Date Closed: Populated
  • PSFS Batch - Status: Integrated
  • All contributions in the batch will appear on the Contributions page and on reports.

Partially synced PSG batches will be created while still missing transactions as a result of sync errors that require rectification with ParishSOFT Giving. Transactions that did not encounter sync errors or where sync errors have been resolved will populate the batch.

  • PSFS Batch - Date Closed: Initially unpopulated
  • PSFS Batch - Status: Integrated
  • All contributions that have been integrated (so far) will appear on the Contributions page and on reports.

    Once all of the "missing" transactions have been corrected and synced and the batch amounts and counts brought into parity, the batch Date Closed will be populated.

How to view PSG Integrated batches (partial or full)

To view these batches in ParishSOFT Offering, go to Batches (All), and set the filter panel to Integration.  Set the filter panel options to sort according to your preference. Then, click the search button on the filter panel. The ParishSOFT Giving batches (partial or full) that have integrated with ParishSOFT Offering will display and you may view the batch details by clicking the Batch Name or the postings by clicking the Postings button.


Grid view example


Why is there no Closed Date? 

Please check your Online Giving Platform for Sync Errors: 

PSG Gear Button - ChMS Integration: How to identify ChMS Sync errors
PSG Gear Button - ChMS Integration: How to correct failed ChMS sync errors


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