PSFS Offering | Pledges - Delete: How to adjust a pledge with activity or delete a pledge with no activity

How to adjust a pledge with activity or delete a pledge with no activity

  1. Go to the Pledges page.
    • Using the Navigator Bar, select Pledges.
    • Using the Pledges Card, select Go to Pledges.
  2. See the following linked article to learn how to search for the pledge.
  3. If the pledge has a payment attached, the pledge may not be deleted. In order to remove the pledge amount, you must do the following:
  4. If there is no payment attached to this pledge, you must do the following:
    • If there is any activity on this pledge, you must adjust the pledge to 0 as you may not delete it.
    • If there has been no activity on this pledge, you may delete it as follows:
      1. Mark the checkbox to the left of the Pledge record on the Pledges page.
      2. Click the delete button in the upper right corner of the page.

Caution: Pledges posted within a Closed Batch cannot be deleted under any circumstance in compliance with data integrity rules. 


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