PSFC Views - Reports: How to get a report that is similar to the view on the agenda page

How to get a printout that is similar to the view on the agenda page

Steps to get a report similar to the agenda format presented on the page

Each report gives the data in a format unique to its name. The agenda format as viewed on the page and the printed agenda report are quite different from each other. If you would like to print an agenda formatted report that looks like the agenda format on the page, follow these instructions.

  • This article was written using images from the Chrome browser. Each browser may be unique in how it handles the print option described in this article. For those unique instructions, look for help files for the browser you use.
  • Note: the output includes the filter buttons at the bottom just as you see on your Agenda page.
  • The output provides two months' worth of data. To get the next two months, move the calendar forward and follow the instructions again.
  1. Use the arrows at the top left of the page (<  >) to choose the start month/date for the output. The output gives two months' worth of data.
  2. Filter the calendar so only the items you want on the report are visible on the page. To learn how to use filters, click here.
  3. Select the Agenda format tab. This option is located in the upper right of the calendar and is underlined in blue in the image below.
  4. Use the Fields button to add or remove columns. The date/time and Title are always present. The rest of the fields are optional.
  5. Use Ctrl-P (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) or in Chrome or Edge, right-click on the page and select the option for 'Print.'  The right-click options in Firefox will give you the option to take a screenshot which will result in an image of your calendar. If you use this option, choose 'Save full page.'
  6. When using the Ctrl-P → Print option, choose your layout option such as portrait or landscape and the destination option such as PDF or your printer. If you have a lot of columns, you may want to use the More settings feature and select legal-sized paper.
  7. Print the file. Note: the filter buttons will show at the bottom of each page and a change of date may occur at the bottom of one page where the items for that date start on the next. This is not an official report, but a way to get the same agenda format as you get on your Agenda page.

  8. If you want more than two months' worth of output, move the calendar forward using the arrows at the top left of the page (< >) and follow these steps again.




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