PSFS Offering | Batches - Process: How to use the 'Batch uses pledges' option

How to use the 'Batch uses pledges' option


What is the 'Batch uses pledges' option?

This option allows you to choose if you want each posting to initiate a search for a matching pledge or not. 

  • When the option is marked, each time a contribution is posted, the software will search for a pledge for the donor/fund.
    •  If a pledge is found, when the batch is closed the contribution will be counted as payment toward the pledge.
    • This search for each matching pledge may cause system speed degradation and add time to contribution posting.
  • When the option is not marked, each time a contribution is posted, the software will not search for a pledge for the donor/fund.
    • As a result, if a pledge exists for any of the posted contributions in the batch, when the batch is closed the contribution will not be counted as payment toward the existing pledge.
    • If you want any contribution in the batch to be counted toward a pledge, you must match them manually.

Consider turning this option off (remove the check-mark) when posting batches for funds that do not require pledges. This will make batch posting more efficient.

Consider turning this option on when posting batches for funds that do require pledges. This will cause batch posting to take more time, but will, in effect, do two processes at once: add the posting and match the payment with the pledge.

Learn how to set the 'Batch uses pledges' option



How and when to set the 'Batch uses pledges' option

The 'Batch Posting - Use Pledge by Default' option is set globally in settings. When a new batch is created, it automatically inherits the value from the Settings page.

When a new batch is first created, you will have the option to toggle the 'Batch uses pledges' option. This is done on the Batch Details page. Once the Batch Details page has been saved, the field may not be toggled again for this batch. Note: if you made a mistake, you may immediately delete the batch and start over.


The Settings page

Set the 'Batch Posting - Use Pledge by Default' option globally through the Settings page. Choose the option you use the most so each batch you create will default to it. Then, if you have a batch that requires the opposite setting, you may update the setting for that specific batch.


The Batch Details page

When a new batch is first created, you will have the option to toggle the 'Batch uses pledges' option. This is done on the Batch Details page. Once the Batch Details page has been saved, the field may not be toggled again for this batch. Note: if you made a mistake, you may immediately delete the batch and start over.


Learn how to match payments to a pledge if not done while posting





How to match payments to a pledge if not done while posting

If you had the 'Batch uses pledges' option turned off while you were adding your contribution postings to a batch, and now want to associate a payment with a pledge, see the following article to learn how.




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