How to edit or view the Batch Details record
IMPORTANT: A reason must be entered when you update the Batch Details record or you will get an error message and the Reason text box will be outlined in red. You must scroll down to see the reason field. This is explained below also.
- The Batch Details page may only be edited for an Open or Review batch. It may not be edited for a closed batch. If there are mistakes in a closed batch, they must be resolved by creating a correction batch.
- The Batch Details page is where a batch is first created and includes the counts and amounts for pledges and contributions.
- Once the Batch Details information is populated, the pledge and contribution record postings much match amounts on this page in order for the batch to be flagged for review and/or closed.
- The Batch Details page shows who the batch owner is. In some organizations, only the batch owner may close the batch.
- If you later determine the information on the Batch Details page is incorrect, you may edit this information using the instructions:
Note: Only the Contribution & Pledge Amount is required to move batches into Review and Closed status. The Contribution/Pledge Count fields are optional, but highly encouraged to maintain data integrity.
- Go to the Batches page.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Batches.
-or- - Using the Batches Card, select Open or if your batch has been flagged for review, select All then update the filter status to Review and click the search button at the top of the filter panel.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Batches.
- If the batch is not visible on your screen, you may need to search for the batch.
- To edit or view the Batch Details, click the batch link. This will open the Batch Details page.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Batch Details page to see the batch owner.
- As long as the batch is still open, you may click into any of the active fields (highlighted below) and make changes.
- Once you click into a field, you may tab to the next field. The current data will be highlighted and you may then simply type in the correct data.
- To change the Pledge Count or Pledge Amount, click into the field and replace the entry with the correct numbers.
- To change the Contribution Count or Contribution Amount, click into the field and replace the entry with the correct numbers.
A reason must be entered when you update the Batch Details record or you will get an error message and the Reason text box will be outlined in red. You must scroll down to see the reason field.
- You may export this record by using the Export button in the top right corner.
Batch Details Page: Batch Owner
The Batch Owner, shown on the Batch Details page, is the person who created the batch.