Why a statement might have negative numbers
When you need to correct an amount of a posting that is in a closed batch, if you add a transaction that simply makes up the difference between the amount entered and the amount that should have been entered, the statement will show the original entry and the correcting entry.
Likewise, if the correcting entry doesn't match all fields to the original exactly, both entries will show on the statement.
When you make a correction to a batch posting that is now in a closed batch, you must make sure the correction uses the following format if you do not want negative numbers to show on the giver's statement:
- To remove an amount completely, the correcting entry must match the original exactly, including the amount except using a negative sign.
- To correct an amount (for example, 1,000 was entered for 100) use two transactions:
- The first correcting entry must match the original exactly including the amount except using a negative sign. (-1,000)
- The second correcting entry must be for the correct amount. (100)
If the batch is not closed or the original contribution was added on the contributions page:
- To correct a posting that was originally entered through the Contributions page, simply correct it by going to the transaction and changing it.
- Likewise, to correct a posting that is entered in a batch, when the batch is still open, you may simply correct the posting by going to the posting and changing it.