How to add/remove a signature image for your statements
Before you can add a signature image, you must create one and have it available for upload. For information on how to create the image, see the in-app help article, How to create a Signature Image.
Also, there is a limit of three signatures. If you migrated over and you have more than three, you must delete all but two to add one. (see second image under #4)
- Go to the Donor Reports page.
- Using the Navigation Bar, select Reports → Donor.
-or- - Using the Reports Card, select Donor.
- Using the Navigation Bar, select Reports → Donor.
- Click the gear button (Configure) in the upper right corner of the page, then select Contents.
- Scroll down to the Signature drop-down field. To add a new Signature name, click the add button (+). Note: A maximum of three signatures is allowed. If you have three saved and need to add another, one must be deleted. To delete an existing signature, use the dropdown to select the signature, then click the minus button to the right (shown in image).
- To upload an existing signature image, click the Change button:
- Your computer browser will open
- Select the signature image and click Open
- Save the Signature name and image
- then click Save & Close (lower-right):
To edit a selected Signature in the drop-down list of Report Contents:
- Open the drop-down list of the Signature options
- Click to select the the Signature
- Click the Edit button (
) to activate the edit window
To delete a selected Signature in the drop-down list of Report Contents:
- Open the drop-down list of the Signature options
- Click to select the the Signature
- Click the Delete button (
) to activate the edit window