How to search for a fund
To navigate to the Funds page:
- In the Navigator Bar, select Funds.
-or- - In the Funds Card, select Go to Funds.
- To list all of the funds, simply type the magnifying glass in the search bar without using any search criteria.
- To find a specific fund or a group of funds within the same category such as Offertory, enter a keyword in the search bar, then click the search bar action icon.
- To find a set of funds with the same criteria such as tax-deductible, or start/end dates, etc., use the Filter Panel and click the search action icon.
- If you'd like to narrow down the results further, you may combine search and filter options.
- Until you click the search icon for the first time on this page, the screen will remain empty.
- Each time you change the Filter Panel selection(s) and/or the search keyword, click the corresponding search action icon to update the results.
- Once you see the fund on the list:
- If you want to update the fund information such as fund end date, tax-deductible, or fund permissions, click the fund name link which takes you to the fund details page.
- If you want to find all of the batches that have been created for this fund, click the Fund Batches button or link.
- Follow this link if the fund is not on the list and you want to add the fund.
Note: Once you find the fund, you may click on the Fund Description and learn the Fund ID.