PSDio Admin - Family Merge: How to create a merge queue quick report

How to create a merge queue quick report

The Merge Queue lists all of the records waiting to be merged in the next overnight batch job. You can run a Merge Queue quick report prior to a merge and use it to verify that the records to be merged are accurate. This article walks through how to run a quick report.

  1. Click Merge Families. 
    The Merge Family Queue page is displayed:

    All records waiting to be merged in the next overnight batch are listed in the grid. By default, the records are presented in reverse chronological order (from most recent to least recent) based on the date the merge was performed.
  1. By default, all records listed in the grid are included in the report. If you want the report to contain information for specific records only, select the checkbox next to those you want to include.
  2. In the toolbar, click Quick Reports to generate a report.
    The report opens in the Report Viewer. The report shows details for each record to be merged. Use the controls at the top of the viewer to page through the report, if it contains multiple pages. You can also save and print this report.




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