PSFS Offering | Funds - Permissions: How to manage fund permissions by fund

How to manage fund permissions by fund

If you have just completed adding your fund and still have the fund details page open, skip down to this instruction. Note: In order to grant Fund Permissions, you must have Admin privileges.

  1. Navigate to the Funds page:

    • In the Navigator Bar, select Funds.
    • In the Funds Card, select Go to Funds.

  2. If you are not on the fund details page, first, you must search for and select the fund.



  1. From the fund details page, click the Permissions tab.
  2. Click the checkbox for those who will need access to the fund:
  3. Once the checkbox is checked (or unchecked), the record saves automatically. There is no save icon on the Permissions tab.

To learn how to hide or remove a fund, see How to delete or hide a fund.




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