PSFS Religious Ed - Classes & Sessions | Add: How to add a session once the lookup building blocks have been populated

New to Religious Education? If you haven't used this new Religious Education Module before, you may benefit from the article, How to navigate the Religious Education Module

Before adding sessions, you must first populate the lookup table (building blocks) for the Religious Education Module (including term, building, room, department, grade, and volunteer role) Note: You will only be able to add sessions to a term where the term was configured to use sessions. The information you supply in creating a session will be used later to create a class schedule referred to as Meeting Times on the Classes page.


Note: Attendance will only be available to use for classes in terms that use sessions.


How to add a session once the lookup building blocks have been populated

  1. To add a session, click Classes & Sessions on the Navigation Bar.
  2. Click the Sessions tab to go to the Sessions page.

  3. Click the PlusSessionButton.png button or the Plus.png to go into the Add Session page: 

  4. Fill in the appropriate information for your Session:
  5. You may now either close the session page to add another session or add classes to your session using either the Classes tab or the add class [+ Class] button.



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