How to post contributions to a batch
Before posting contributions to a batch, you must first add the batch. See How to add a batch.
- Navigate to the Batches page using one of the following methods:
- From the Navigator Bar, select Batches.
-or- - From the Batches Card, select Open.
- From the Navigator Bar, select Batches.
- If you have the batch in view, go to the next step, (#3). Otherwise, search for the batch.
- If you are on the Batch Details page, click the postings button in the upper right corner. If you are on the Batches page, click the Postings button at the bottom left of the card.
- The page automatically opens in the Contributions tab. If you have been posting pledges, you must click the Contributions tab to return to the Contributions Postings page.
- The default postings page is for contributions. If you need to add pledges, you may click the Pledges tab.
- Begin posting by using the default donor identification. This one is set to Envelope Number. Other options are Family Name, Member Name, Envelope Number & Family Name, Envelope Number & Member Name.
- Once you have selected the donor, a pledge handshake icon will display at the end of the line that will have different meanings according to this key:
- Once you have selected the donor, a pledge handshake icon will display at the end of the line that will have different meanings according to this key:
- Key in the information. You may use the Enter or Tab keys to advance to the next field. When you save the record, it will display at the bottom of the postings page.
- Contributions entered through a batch will not show up in reports or under a donor's giving record until the batch is closed.
- You can export the postings from the Batch Postings page.
- If you realize the amount or date is incorrect on one of the postings, you may click the Edit button, and then to change the date or amount click Change This Entry.
- If you realize the donor, amount, check number, or memo is incorrect on one of the postings, you may click the Edit button and then, click into the corresponding field where you originally entered the information.
- Once all of the postings for this batch have been entered and the batch is in balance, you may submit the batch for review.
- After the batch has been reviewed, it may be closed.