How to correct or remove a closed batch posting amount due to the entry being an NSF, wrong amount, or entered in error
Also described as How to remove donations from a closed batch; or How to correct the donor's statement
Once a batch has been closed, any postings in the closed batch may not be changed in any way. The solution is to create a new batch and add postings to fix the issue or to add the correction postings directly on the Contributions page if that option is available.
No matter which method you use, to ensure the original incorrect entry doesn't show up on the donor's record, you must add a reversing entry for the original amount matching every field and using a negative sign for the amount. Then, if the error was that the posting in the original batch was for the wrong amount, add a new entry for the correct amount.
- To remove a posting from the giver's record through a batch due to NSF or duplicate entry, see the section on removing a posting through batch processing.
- To correct the amount of a posting on the giver's record through a batch, see the section on correcting an amount through batch processing.
- These entries may also be made directly on the Contributions page if your organization's protocol allows for this. For this method, see the section on adding a reversing correction contribution on the Contributions page.
How to correct the amount when the original entry was for the wrong amount
Example of correcting an amount
Example: The first entry in this batch should have been $10 instead of $100. The images in this article will show you how to reverse the incorrect $100 entry and add a new one for $10. Note: If you only enter a posting for the difference (-$90), both postings will show on your statement.
How to create a reversing correction batch
In a new correction batch, given the same date and name (with "Correction" at the end):
Open a new batch. Set the cash total for the total you are going to use for this batch. In this example, we will post a reversing entry for -$100 and a new correcting entry for $10 so the batch total is -$90.00 and the Contribution Count is two.
- Note: Make sure you use the same Default Family Lookup for the correction batch as you used on the original batch. If the Family is used on one and the Member is used for the other, the correcting entry will not wash out the original in the same way.
You must adjust your amounts according to your own correction needs.
- Note: Make sure you use the same Default Family Lookup for the correction batch as you used on the original batch. If the Family is used on one and the Member is used for the other, the correcting entry will not wash out the original in the same way.
Add postings using the guidelines as shown below.
- To remove the original contribution, add a reversing posting that has the same information as the original: date, donor, fund, and amount except make the amount negative.
- To add the new correct amount, simply add a second entry that matches the first one exactly except this time it would be for the correct amount.
- Once this correction batch is posted, the entries may be found on the Contributions page.
- Note how the original entry and the reversing entry for the same amount wash each other out.
- As long as the original entry and the reversing entry match exactly, with the only difference being the minus sign on the reversing entry, neither entry will show up on the donor statement as they wash each other out.
- When it says they must match exactly, this also means the same Default Family Lookup selection also. If the original is posted by family but the correction is posted by member, the wash will not happen in the expected way.
How to create a correction batch to remove a posting from the giver's record
In a new correction batch, given the same date and name (with "Removing NSF" or "Removing Duplicate" at the end):
- Open a new batch. Set the cash total for the total you are going to use for this batch. In this example (expounded upon in the rest of this article), we will post a removing entry of -$100 so the batch total is -$100.00, and the Contribution Count is one. If you have several entries from the original batch that must be removed, simply add one entry for each original entry changing the sign of the amount, and use the correct number of transactions in the count.
- Add the entry (or entries) that matches the original in every way (date, fund, check#, etc) except the amount is negative.
- As long as the original entry and the reversing entry match exactly, with the only difference being the minus sign on the reversing entry, neither entry will show up on the donor statement as they wash each other out.
How to remove a posting from the giver's record outside of a batch
You may remove a posting from the giver's record by adding a negative entry on the Contributions page if your settings allow this option. (If your settings do not allow this option, you will not see a plus sign (+) on the upper right corner of the contributions page and you must use the batch correction instructions explained above.)
- When you add the reversing entry on the Contributions page, the fields must match the original transaction exactly: date, amount (the amount will be negative), type, and any other fields that are present in the original transaction.
- If you follow this protocol and reverse the original amount exactly, neither the original posting nor the correcting contribution will show on the statement.
- If the contribution must be added for the right amount, you may either add it on the Contributions page or through a batch, depending on your organization's protocol.
- To use this method, please see the following article: How to add contributions outside a batch.
Related Articles
To correct information in a closed batch for Donor, Fund, Contribution Date, Contribution Type, Memo, and/or Tax-Deductible Flag, see How to create a correction batch.
To add additional postings to an existing closed batch see How to add additional postings to a closed batch.